12 Hacks to Make Packing School Lunches a Breeze

Last Updated on November 3, 2023 by karenpadgett25

Making sure your kids have a nutritious and tasty lunch doesn’t have to be a hassle. With a little bit of planning, you can make packing school lunches a breeze.

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Here are 12 hacks to make it easier:

1. Invest in a good lunch box:

Ditch the disposable plastic baggies in favor of reusable containers. This will save you money in the long run and is better for the environment.

A good quality lunch box will last longer and keep your food better insulated than a cheap one. Look for something with multiple compartments to keep food from getting squished.  

2. Use an insulated lunch box:

An insulated lunch box will keep food cold (or warm) until lunchtime. This is especially important for perishable items like yogurt, fruits and vegetables, or sandwiches with meat or cheese.

3. Prep ahead of time:

You can save time by prepping lunch ingredients ahead of time. For example, you can make a batch of hard-boiled eggs on the weekend or cook extra chicken at dinner to use for lunch the next day.

If you can, pack some of the lunch items ahead of time. This could include packing sandwiches the night before or packing non-perishable items like granola bars or fruit cups.

9 Back-to-School Tips for Parents

4. Use healthy snacks:

If you’re packing a lot of processed snacks, your child’s lunch is likely not as healthy as he/she could be. Instead, opt for healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, fruit and veggie sticks, or whole grain crackers.

5. Pack a variety of foods:

Don’t pack the same thing every day. Mix it up to keep things interesting. Include a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats for sustained energy throughout the day.

6. Make it visually appealing:

Take the time to make your child’s lunch look appealing. Use fun shaped cookie cutters for sandwiches, or pack a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.

7. Get the kids involved:

Kids are more likely to eat their lunch if they’re involved in packing it. So, get your kids involved… Let them choose what goes in their lunch box or make their own sandwiches or help you prepare items the night before.

8. Keep it simple:

Don’t try to pack an overly complicated lunch. Stick to simple items that are easy to prepare and won’t take a lot of time.

9. Use portion control:

Packing smaller portions will not only save you money, but it will also help prevent your child from wasting food. Use small containers or baggies to portion out snacks and lunch items.

10. Don’t forget drinks:

Don’t forget to pack a drink with your child’s lunch. Water is always a good choice, but you could also pack juice or milk.

11. Avoid packing fragile items:

Avoid packing items that are likely to break or spill, like glass containers or liquids. If you do need to pack a liquid, consider using a leak-proof container.

12.Make it fun:

Adding a special note or packing their favorite food can make lunchtime more enjoyable for your kids. Get creative and have fun with it!

Back to school time can sometimes be stressful…check out my blog post: 14 Ways to de-stress when you’re overwhelmed.

14 Ways to De-stress When You’re Overwhelmed

By following these packing hacks, you can make packing school lunches a breeze. Do you have any packing tips to share? Let us know in the comments below!

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