12 Spring Cleaning Tips for a Fresh Start

Last Updated on October 13, 2023 by karenpadgett25

Spring is finally here, and while the warmer weather may bring with it a sense of joy, spring can also be an overwhelming time when it comes to spring cleaning. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we will provide 12 spring cleaning tips that will make your spring clean-up easier than ever before!

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With the change in season, there are so many tasks that need to be done around the home. From deep cleaning carpets and furniture to organizing closets and reorganizing kitchen shelves, spring cleaning can seem like a daunting task. So grab your rubber gloves and get ready – let’s get started on making your house sparkle!

Making a Cleaning Schedule Before Starting Spring Cleaning

When it comes to spring cleaning, organization is key. Before diving right in, take the time to make a plan of attack.

Make a list of all the different types of tasks you’ll need to do and assign each task an estimated amount of time.

You can break it up into days or even hours. This will give you a better understanding of how much time you need to dedicate to your spring cleaning task and ensure that everything gets done efficiently.

Additionally, if one task runs longer than expected, you’ll have the flexibility to adjust the other tasks accordingly.

Tip: Prioritize your list based on importance. This way, you can tackle the most important tasks first, giving you more time to focus on other tasks.

Place your finished list and schedule somewhere in plain sight like on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror. Seeing this list every day will help you stay on track.

Also, don’t forget to schedule yourself breaks and implement a reward system when you finish a task.

With a plan in place, your spring cleaning will go much more smoothly. You’ll have the confidence to tackle all the tasks that need to be done efficiently and effectively. So, take the time to make a detailed plan before tackling any spring cleaning.

1. Start with the items you use most often-

Take some time to evaluate the furnishings and décor in each room of your house, from the kitchen and living room to the bedrooms and bathroom. Identify any items that are taking up space but not being used and donate or repurpose them.

80% of the 12.1 million tons of furniture and furnishings generated in 2018 ended up in the landfill according to the EPA. By repurposing these items you can help eliminate some of this waste.

Check out these 16 things you can do with old furniture.

Declutter Before You Begin Spring Cleaning for Maximum Efficiency and Results

Decluttering your home before you begin spring cleaning is a great way to make the process more efficient and effective. Not only will it help you save time by eliminating the need to clean items that are no longer necessary, but it can also help open up space in your home and create a more organized environment.

Why Decluttering Your Home is Important

Decluttering your home is important to create a peaceful and organized living space. Not only does it make your home look more presentable, but it also helps you save time by making things easier to find and reduces stress by allowing you to focus on the important things in life.

Additionally, when your home is clutter-free, it can make cleaning faster and more enjoyable. Spring cleaning is a great way to start decluttering your home and getting rid of items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy into your life.

By taking the time each season to go through your belongings, you can ensure that your home remains functional and beautiful all year long.

2. Give each room a deep clean-

After you’ve decluttered, it’s time to spring clean each room from top to bottom. Be sure to dust all surfaces and furniture, including hard-to-reach places like the tops of cabinets and bookcases.

Vacuum, mop, and scrub the floors. Don’t forget to clean out the refrigerator and wipe down the stovetop and oven.

Click HERE to shop for spring cleaning supplies on Amazon.

3. Wash windows and window treatments-

Cleaning your windows is a great way to let in more natural light while also freshening up your home’s appearance. Be sure to remove any screens so you can wash them separately.

You can choose to hire a professional window cleaner or opt to do it yourself. If you decide to tackle the project yourself you can pick from a variety of tools on Amazon to assist you.

4. Laundry, laundry, laundry-

One of the best things about spring is the opportunity to air out your home by opening the windows. But that also means dust and pollen can come inside, so it’s important to keep your bedding and clothing clean. Be sure to do a deep cleaning of your washing machine to ensure the cleanliness of your clothes.

5. Swap out seasonal items-

It’s time to pack away the winter blankets and sweaters, as well as any holiday decorations you may still have up. You can also transition your home from winter to spring by swapping out linen tablecloths and sofa throws for spring colors.

6. Clean out the pantry and fridge-

Take a look through your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to identify any expired or stale items. Donate any non-perishables that are still in good condition, and take a few minutes to wipe down shelves and drawers. You may want to consider adding some additional storage bins to keep everything neat and organized.

Click HERE to shop for storage bins.

7. Don’t forget the garage-

Spring is a great time to give your garage an organized makeover. Not only will it look great, but it can also help free up more room for other spring activities like gardening and home improvement projects.

Organizing the garage can be an overwhelming task, but with these easy tips spring cleaning tips for your garage, you can get spring-ready in no time:

1. Start by clearing out clutter and sorting items into bins or boxes based on their purpose. This will make it easier to figure out what you have and where it needs to go.

2. Utilize vertical space with shelves, pegboards, wall hooks, and overhead racks for tools and other items that don’t need to be on the ground.

3. Make sure items are easily accessible and within reach with bins, baskets, or rolling carts.

4. Label everything so it can be quickly identified when needed.

5. Store hazardous materials like chemicals in their own designated area, away from children and pets.

6. Invest in heavy-duty shelving or cabinets to protect items from extreme temperatures and weather conditions.

7. Place frequently used items, such as gardening tools and sports equipment, in easy-to-reach areas for convenience.

8. Finally, keep it clean by regularly sweeping the floor and wiping down shelves.

Click HERE to shop for garage organization supplies.

8. Spruce up the exterior-

Spring cleaning isn’t just about what’s inside your home — it’s also important to take care of the outside. Start by giving your porch, patio, and walkways good sweeping and pressure washing, if needed. You can also give your lawn furniture a deep clean and add spring-themed decorations like birdhouses or flower planters.

9. Organize your closets-

Spring is the perfect time for spring cleaning and getting organized. One of the most important spaces to tackle when spring cleaning is your closet. A cluttered closet can make it hard to find what you need when you need it, so organizing your closet can help keep things neat all spring long.

Here are some spring cleaning tips for organizing your closet:

1. Start by clearing out everything that doesn’t belong in the closet. Set aside items like winter gear and bulky coats to be put away or donated later. This will make it easier to see what you need to organize.

2. Go through all of your clothes and organize them into categories like tops, bottoms, dresses, etc. This will make it easier to find items when you need them.

3. If possible, invest in some storage bins and other organizational tools for the closet. These can help keep everything neat even with limited space.

4. Hang all of your clothes on hangers that are the same color and size. This will give you a cleaner, more uniform look in your closet.

5. Sort through items like accessories, shoes, and other miscellaneous items and organize them into labeled bins or boxes.

6. Place any off-season clothing items in storage bags or bins to keep them out of the way.

7. Place items that you use often at eye level for easy access.

8. Finally, make sure to clean the closet completely before you start refilling it with your spring wardrobe. A good spring cleaning will help keep your closet looking neat all season long!

Click HERE to shop for closet organizers.

10. Clean the air ducts and vents-

Dust, dirt, and pet hair can accumulate in your air ducts over time, so spring is the perfect time to give them a deep clean. While you’re at it, don’t forget to change your filters!

Shop air filters HERE on Amazon.

11. Tackle spring home maintenance tasks-

Spring is also a great time to do some preventative maintenance around the house, like cleaning the gutters, checking for foundation cracks, and repairing any broken windows. You will also want to replace the batteries in your smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and wall clocks.

12. Make spring cleaning a family affair!

Spring cleaning can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Invite your family members to join in on the fun and make spring cleaning a team effort! Assign each person a room or task and make it a competition. Celebrate your accomplishments with some spring-inspired refreshments when you’re all finished!


Following these spring cleaning tips can help you create a more organized and inviting home, just in time for spring. With some elbow grease and the right tools, spring cleaning can be an enjoyable family event that leaves your house looking refreshed and renewed. Happy spring cleaning!

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