5 Patriotic Memorial Day Traditions

Last Updated on October 10, 2023 by karenpadgett25

When Memorial Day weekend comes around, most of us think of BBQ’s and fireworks. Celebrating Memorial Day, however, is a way to honor the men and women who have served in the military and given their lives for our country. If you’re looking for ways to commemorate Memorial Day, here are five patriotic Memorial Day traditions you can start with your loved ones!

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Memorial Day was originally know as Decoration Day and became a federal holiday in 1971.

There are many different ways to celebrate Memorial Day. It can be a really special day to spend with your family while still remembering the people who died while serving in the military.

By starting your own patriotic traditions with your family, you can help keep the memory of our fallen heroes alive.

1. Flying the American flag at half-mast until noon

When we fly the American flag at half-mast, it is a sign of mourning, respect or distress.

On Memorial Day, flags only fly at half-staff until noon.

They are raised back up until sunset in honor of the nation’s war heroes.

By flying the flag at half-mast on Memorial Day, we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Yet another way to show your patriotism on Memorial Day is by flying a “POW/MIA” flag.

This flag honors those who were held as prisoners of war or those who are still missing in action.

By flying this flag, we remember their sacrifices and keep them in our thoughts.

2. Visiting a war memorial or cemetery

Another patriotic tradition that you can start with your family on Memorial Day is visiting a local cemetery or war memorial.

This is a great way to pay respects to the fallen and to teach your children about the sacrifices that have been made for our country.

You can also take this opportunity to teach your children about the different branches of the military and what they do to protect our country.

3. Participating in a moment of silence at three o’clock in the afternoon

On Memorial Day, we participate in a moment of silence at three o’clock in the afternoon to remember and honor those who have died serving our country.

This moment was put into law by the United States Congress in December of 2000.

4. Sending care packages to deployed service members

Memorial Day is a time to come together as a nation and honor those who have died while serving in the military.

It’s also a time to show our appreciation for the men and women who are currently serving. One way to do this is by sending care packages to deployed service members.

Here are a few ideas to get started:

  • Include personal items like photos, letters, and cards. It’s always nice to receive a care package from home, but it means even more when it’s filled with personal items from loved ones.
  • Gather up some snacks and non-perishable foods that will travel well. Think about items that will make the recipient’s day a little brighter, like their favorite candy or cookies.
  • Add in some fun things to help pass the time, like books, magazines, games, or puzzles.

Sending care packages to deployed service members is a great way to show your patriotism and support for our troops.

So why not start a tradition of your own this Memorial Day? Your efforts will be sure to be appreciated.

5. Attend a Memorial Day Parade

One final way to show your patriotism on Memorial Day is by attending a local parade or ceremony. This is a great way to show your support for the men and women who have served our country.

It’s also a great opportunity to teach your children about the importance of Memorial Day and what it means to be patriotic.


Memorial Day is a time to come together as a nation and remember those who have died serving in the military. It’s also a time to reflect on the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

These are just a few of the many patriotic Memorial Day traditions that you can start with your family.

By taking part in these traditions the sacrifices of our fallen heroes may never be forgotten.

This Memorial Day, why not start new traditions with your family?

What are your favorite Memorial Day traditions? Comment below.

Happy Memorial Day!

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