7 Fun Ideas to Celebrate Labor Day with Your Family

Last Updated on November 3, 2023 by karenpadgett25

Labor Day is a day to celebrate the American worker. But it’s also a time to celebrate family and friends. Here are seven fun ideas to celebrate Labor Day with your family.

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1. Have a picnic in the park.

Pack some sandwiches and drinks, and find a spot in the sun or under the trees. If you have kids, bring along a frisbee or ball to play with, and make sure you have plenty of sunscreen!

2. Go for a hike or bike ride.

If you live near some beautiful trails, take advantage of them on Labor Day weekend. Or if you prefer something more urban, go for a bike ride around your neighborhood instead.

3. Have a BBQ!

Get out the grill and invite your friends and family over for burgers, hot dogs, chicken breasts, or whatever else takes your fancy. Be sure to have lots of sides and salads too – Labor Day is all about enjoying good food!

Check out my blog post: 7 Simple Must Haves for Your Next Back Yard BBQ

7 Simple Must Haves for Your Back Yard BBQ

4. Visit a theme park or amusement center .

Whether you head to Disneyland or Six Flags, there’s sure to be plenty of excitement (and rides!) for everyone in the family. Just be prepared for long lines…

5. Make Homemade Ice-cream.

If you have an ice cream maker, put it to good use on Labor Day weekend and make some delicious homemade ice cream! flavor Ideas: mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, strawberry, or just go classic with vanilla or chocolate.

6. Finish a home project.

Labor Day weekend is the perfect time to get those home projects done that you have been putting off. Whether it’s painting the living room, deep cleaning the kitchen, or organizing the garage, tackle those projects head on and feel a sense of accomplishment by Monday evening.

Check out my blog post: 12 Summertime Home Improvements for some home project ideas.

12 Summertime Home Improvements

7. Host a backyard movie night.

Set up a projector screen or just hang a white sheet from the clothesline and enjoy a family-friendly movie under the stars. Don’t forget the popcorn!

For seating you can set out some lawn chairs or make your own kiddie pool lounging seats.

Start with a kiddie pool, throw in some pillows, a blanket and some refreshments and voilà!

Whatever you do this Labor Day weekend, make sure you take some time to relax and celebrate with your family and friends. Enjoy!

What are your plans for Labor Day weekend? Let me know in the comments below!

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