14 Ways to De-stress When You’re Overwhelmed

Last Updated on November 3, 2023 by karenpadgett25

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you feel like you can’t handle everything that’s happening in your life? You’re not alone. Millions of people feel this way every day. The good news is that there are things you can do to de-stress and get your life back under control.

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In this blog post, we will discuss 14 ways to de-stress when you’re overwhelmed. We’ll provide tips and tricks for how to manage stress and anxiety, and how to regain control of your life. read more.

1) Get organized:

One of the best ways to de-stress is to get your life in order. This means taking some time to declutter your space, setting up a system that works for you, and getting rid of anything that doesn’t serve a purpose. When you are organized, you’ll feel more in control and less overwhelmed.

15 Benefits of Clutter-Free Living

Here are 10 ways to get organized and de-stress when you’re overwhelmed:

1) Make a list of everything that needs to be done

2) Break down big tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks

3) Create a schedule and stick to it

4) Use a planner or calendar to keep track of appointments and deadlines

5) Set up a filing system for paperwork

6) Store items that you use often in easy-to-reach places

7) Keep your desk clean and organized

8) Make your bed every morning

9) Develop a routine for winding down at night time

10) Take breaks throughout the day

2) Set boundaries:

Another way to de-stress is to set boundaries with yourself and others. This means learning to say “no” when you need to, setting limits on your time and energy, and making sure you’re taking care of yourself first.

3) Simplify your life:

A third way to de-stress is to simplify your life. This means getting rid of anything that isn’t essential, streamlining your routines, and letting go of anything that doesn’t bring you joy.

4) Exercise:

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, one of the best things you can do is take a break and do some exercises. Exercise helps to de-stress your body and mind, and it’s a great way to clear your head. It releases endorphins and can help to clear your mind and improve your focus.

Here are a few activities that can help you de-stress when you’re overwhelmed:

1. Yoga: Yoga is a great way to de-stress and relax your body and mind. It can be calming and therapeutic, and it can help you focus and de-stress.

2. Running or Jogging: When you’re feeling overwhelmed, going for a run or jog can be really helpful. It’s a great way to get out some of your frustrations and stress, and it can help clear your head.

3. Walking: A good old fashioned walk can also be really helpful when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s a great way to clear your head and de-stress, and it’s something you can do pretty much anywhere.

4. Swimming: Swimming is another great exercise that can help de-stress you when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s a great way to get moving and release any tension or stress that you may be feeling.

5. Basketball: Shooting some hoops can also be a really good way to de-stress when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s a fun way to get active and let off some steam, and it can be really refreshing.

6. Gardening: Gardening is another great way to de-stress when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s something that takes focus and concentration, and it can be really relaxing to work in the garden.

5) Spend time in nature:

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. So, take a walk in the park, go for a hike, or just sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.

6) Connect with loved ones:

Another way to de-stress is to connect with loved ones. This can include spending time with friends and family, talking on the phone or online, or simply sending a text or email to someone you care about.

7) Laugh:

Laughter is a great way to de-stress. It releases endorphins, relaxes the body, and can even boost your immune system. So, watch a funny movie, read a humorous book, or spend time with people who make you laugh.

8) Meditate:

Meditation is a great way to de-stress. It helps to clear your mind, focus your thoughts, and develop a sense of inner peace.

9) Practice deep breathing:

Deep breathing is another great way to de-stress. It helps to slow your heart rate, lower blood pressure, and ease tension in the body. It can help calm your mind and body down.

There are lots of different techniques that you can try – find one that works for you and stick with it!

10) Get enough sleep:

Getting enough sleep is important for managing stress. When you’re well-rested, you’re better able to deal with difficult situations and make better decisions.

If you are having trouble de-stressing enough to go to sleep, try taking a relaxing bath before bedtime. Light some soothing aromatherapy candles or add a few drops of essential oils to your bathtub to help you relax.

11. Take a break:

Sometimes the best way to de-stress is to take a break from what you’re doing. Get up and walk around, take a drive or a nap. It doesn’t matter what you do…as long as you step away from what is causing your stress.

12. Take a break from electronics.

Spend some time away from phones, laptops, and TVs to de-stress and relax your mind.

13. Listen to music:

Listening to calming music can help soothe your mind and relax your body. Music has been shown to have a powerful effect on our emotions and well-being.

14 . Aromatherapy:

Aromatherapy is another great way to de-stress when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Certain scents have been known to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels .


If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try out some of these de-stressing techniques. And remember, it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. There are people who care about you and want to see you succeed. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support.

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