5 Easy Ways to Stay Cool this Summer

Last Updated on November 3, 2023 by karenpadgett25

The summer heat can be brutal, making it hard to enjoy the outdoors or even just relax at home. But there are some easy ways to keep cool and make the most of the summer season.

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Here are 5 easy ways to stay cool this summer:

1) Drink lots of fluids

This one is a no-brainer… as the temperatures continue to rise, it’s important to stay hydrated and cool.

When it’s hot outside, you need to stay hydrated. Drink lots of water and avoid sugary drinks, which can actually make you more thirsty. Frozen fruit cups or popsicles are a great way to stay hydrated and cool at the same time.

Try to avoid alcoholic beverages, which may dehydrate you.

Take a water bottle or cooler with you, if working on the go, to ensure you are properly hydrating.

And don’t forget the electrolytes. Electrolytes help your body stay hydrated, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough electrolytes in your diet this summer.

Sports drinks like Gatorade and Propel are good sources of electrolytes.

Some of these drinks do contain added sugar so you may want to opt for other options like natural coconut water.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are also a good source of electrolytes.

2) Stay in the shade

Another obvious one, but worth mentioning. Spending time in direct sunlight will only make you hotter.

When you’re outdoors, stay in the shade as much as possible. Seek out shady spots outdoors, or stay indoors where it’s cooler.

If there’s no natural shade, bring an umbrella or wear a hat-both of these items will help keep you cooler without having to sacrifice style!

If possible, avoid working during the hottest part of the day which is usually between 3 and 4 P.M.

Check out these stylish sun hats on Amazon.

3) Wear light, loose-fitting clothing

When it comes to staying cool this summer, clothing is an important factor. Wearing light and loose-fitting clothes can make a big difference in keeping your body temperature down.

Natural fabrics like cotton are best as they absorb sweat better than synthetic fabrics, so choose lightweight garments that allow air to circulate your body.

You should also opt for light colors since these will reflect more heat from the sun.

To further help keep you cool during hot days, consider using cooling towels or personal neck fans which provide a refreshing chill when placed on skin or around the neck area.

These items are especially helpful if you’re going to be outdoors for extended periods and don’t have access to shade or air conditioning.

Click HERE to shop for cooling towels.

4) Use a fan or portable air conditioner in your home

Fans and portable air conditioning can help circulate cool air and make a big difference in your comfort level. If you don’t have a fan or air conditioner, open the windows or doors to create a cross breeze.

A fan can circulate air and help you stay cool, even if the air itself is not particularly cool.

One easy way to stay cool during summer months is to adjust your ceiling fan blades. In the summer, you should adjust your ceiling fan blades counterclockwise to create a wind chill effect. This will help cool you down as you circulate the air throughout your home.

5) Don’t Heat Your House

Keeping your house cool is a very important step in keeping yourself cool.

Here are 5 easy steps you can take to help keep your house cool this summer:

Use your crockpot or air fryer-

Using appliances like the oven or stove can create heat in your home that makes it even hotter making your air conditioning work twice as hard.

One of the easiest ways to keep your house cool is to use a crockpot or air fryer instead of the stove.

These appliances don’t generate any heat, so your kitchen will stay cooler. Plus, they’re great for making quick and easy meals. Don’t heat up your house, use the crockpot instead.

Click HERE to shop for crockpots.

Use room darkening panels-

One easy way to stay comfortable is to use room darkening curtains to keep the sun out and your house cool.

These panels trap heat and keep the sun from entering your home. They can also reduce glare from sunlight, making it easier to stay comfortable indoors.

Additionally, room darkening curtains help protect furniture and fabrics from fading due to UV rays.

Room darkening curtains may also help you save money on your energy bill, since they block out the light and keep the heat out.

These energy-saving window treatments are available in a variety of colors and styles, so it’s easy to find ones that fits.

Click HERE to shop for room darkening curtains.

Don’t dry clothes during the day-

When the weather is hot and sticky, the last thing you want to do is add more heat to your home by running the dryer.

If you have a clothesline, hang your clothes outside to dry. Not only will you stay cooler, but your clothes will smell fresh and be free of wrinkles.

If you don’t have a clothesline, you can still stay cool while doing your laundry. Put your clothes in the washer at night and then transfer them to the dryer right before you go to bed.

That way, your home will stay cooler during the day and you won’t have to worry about your clothes being wrinkled.

Click HERE to shop for clothesline supplies.

Use LED lightbulbs

Led lightbulbs are a great way to reduce the amount of heat your home produces during the summer. By using led lightbulbs, you can stay cool and comfortable without having to run your air conditioner all day long.

Traditional incandescent light bulbs create a lot of heat, which can be a waste of energy. LED light bulbs stay cool to the touch, meaning that all the energy they use goes towards creating light, rather than heat.

Replacing all of your incandescent bulbs in your home with led bulbs may seem costly at first but will be worth it in the long run.

They use far less energy, and last much longer.

Block off parts of your house

There is no need to cool every room in your house. Especially if you are not using those rooms.

Keep the doors of empty rooms closed or block off parts of your home, not in use, with a thick curtain.

This way you will only be cooling areas that you are using. This will help on your energy bills and help you stay cooler.


It can be a real challenge to stay cool during the summer months. While some people like to stay inside where it’s air conditioned, others enjoy spending time outside in the sun. No matter which camp you fall into, you can stay cool and comfortable all season long with these 5 easy steps.

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